
楼主 |
发表于 2016-12-14 10:32:55
; Hilight Missing Test Probes
; Written by:
; Edward B. Acheson
; Sr. Applications Engineer
; Cadence Design Systems
; Chelmsford Mass.
; Description:
; This SKILL file will search the current database for a net, pin or via
; which may be missing a probe point after running the test point generation
; command.
; The type of check is determined by a form which will appear at the start
; up of this command.
; Limitations:
; - This SKILL program must be run on Allegro Revision 8.1 or higher.
; - This SKILL program will not check for NO_TEST properties.
; - This SKILL program will only test for two test points in node checking.
; No check is made for end/start of a net.
; Locate this file (hl_ntp.il) in the directory path where all other
; skill routines are located. In the allegro.ilinit file include the line
; load("hl_ntp.il")
; To Execute the command in the Allegro command window enter hl_ntp
; Revision 0: 1995/01/16 Initial Release
; Revision 1: 1997/12/15 KATHY ANDERSON, TEKTRONIX
; Fixed the box entries in order to see all the options
; Modified the Execution command from hl_nte to hl_ntp
; Revision 2: 2001/11/08 CHRIS WALTERS, NVIDIA
; added ability to handle NO_TEST property
; _HNTP_Bld_Pin_lst
; list = _HNTP_Bld_Pin_lst()
; This function will generate a list of component pin dbids. This
; takes no arguments but will return the list to a variable.
; For further information see:
; axlSetFindFilter, axlAddSelectAll, axlGetSelSet
defun( _HNTP_Bld_Pin_lst ()
axlSetFindFilter( ?enabled (list "noall" "pins" "invisible") ?onButtons (list "pins"))
; _HNTP_Bld_Via_lst
; list = _HNTP_Bld_Via_lst()
; This function will generate a list of via dbids. This
; takes no arguments but will return the list to a variable.
; For further information see:
; axlSetFindFilter, axlAddSelectAll, axlGetSelSet
defun( _HNTP_Bld_Via_lst ()
axlSetFindFilter( ?enabled (list "noall" "vias" "invisible") ?onButtons (list "vias"))
; _HNTP_Bld_PinVia_lst
; list = _HNTP_Bld_PinVia_lst()
; This function will generate a list of component pin and via dbids.
; This takes no arguments but will return the list to a variable.
; For further information see:
; axlSetFindFilter, axlAddSelectAll, axlGetSelSet
defun( _HNTP_Bld_PinVia_lst ()
axlSetFindFilter( ?enabled (list "noall" "pins" "vias" "invisible")
?onButtons (list "pins" "vias"))
; _HNTP_Bld_Net_lst
; list = _HNTP_Bld_Net_lst()
; This function will generate a list of Net dbids. This
; takes no arguments but will return the list to a variable.
; For further information see:
; axlSetFindFilter, axlAddSelectAll, axlGetSelSet
defun( _HNTP_Bld_Net_lst ()
prog( ()
let( (clean_net_list)
net_list = nil
;lean_net_list = nil
found_no_test_prop = nil
net_prop_list = nil
axlSetFindFilter( ?enabled (list "noall" "nets" "invisible") ?onButtons (list "nets" ))
net_list = axlGetSelSet(axlAddSelectAll())
foreach( net_db net_list
; determine if net has a NO_TEST property
found_no_test_prop = nil
if( net_db->prop != nil then ; must check each property present for NO_TEST
net_prop_list = axlDBGetProperties( net_db)
foreach( net_prop net_prop_list
net_prop_name = car( net_prop)
net_prop_val = cadr( net_prop)
if( alphaNumCmp( net_prop_name "NO_TEST") == 0 && net_prop_val == t then
found_no_test_prop = t
;rintf("%s%s\n", "net with NO_TEST prop: " net_db->name)
unless( found_no_test_prop
clean_net_list = cons( net_db clean_net_list)
; at this point clean_net_list contains only nets withOUT the NO_TEST property
; so pass this back to calling procedure
; _HNTP_Bld_Inpin_lst
; list = _HNTP_Bld_Inpin_lst(list)
; This function will generate a list of pin dbids with the PIN_TYPE
; definition of IN. This function first Generates a text file named
; temp_extract_list_hntp.txt for use of the extract function
; capabilites in SKILL.
; This function takes no parameters. This function will return a list
; of pin dbid, if any pins match the IN criteria, or nil if no match
; is found.
; For further information see:
; axlExtractMap, axlMsgPut
defun( _HNTP_Bld_Inpin_lst ()
prog( ()
let( ( extract_file return_list)
extract_file = outfile("temp_extract_list_hntp.txt")
fprintf( extract_file "COMPONENT_PIN\nPIN_TYPE = \"IN\"\nEND\n")
if( isFile("temp_extract_list_hntp.txt") then
return_list = axlExtractMap( "temp_extract_list_hntp.txt")
axlMsgPut("ERROR 03 : Temp extract not generated!")
return_list = nil
); end - if
when( isFile("temp_extract_list_hntp.txt") deleteFile("temp_extract_list_hntp.txt"))
);end-def _HNTP_Bld_Inpin_lst
; _HNTP_Bld_Outpin_lst
; list = _HNTP_Bld_Outpin_lst(list)
; This function will generate a list of pin dbids with the PIN_TYPE
; definition of OUT, OCL, or OCA. This function firdt Generates a
; a text file named temp_extract_list_hntp.txt for use of the extract
; function capabilites in SKILL.
; This function takes no parameters. This function will return a list
; of pin dbid, if any pins match the OUT criteria, or nil if no match
; is found
; For further information see:
; axlExtractMap, axlMsgPut
defun( _HNTP_Bld_Outpin_lst ()
prog( ()
let( ( extract_file return_list)
extract_file = outfile("temp_extract_list_hntp.txt")
fprintf( extract_file "COMPONENT_PIN\nPIN_TYPE = \"OUT\"\nEND\n")
if( isFile("temp_extract_list_hntp.txt") then
return_list = axlExtractMap( "temp_extract_list_hntp.txt")
axlMsgPut("ERROR 03 : Temp extract not generated!")
return_list = nil
); end - if
when( isFile("temp_extract_list_hntp.txt") deleteFile("temp_extract_list_hntp.txt"))
);end-def _HNTP_Bld_Outpin_lst
; _HNTP_Create_Form_File
; _HNTP_Create_Form_File()
; This function write text data to a file named nl_ntp.form. The file
; created is used for paramter form calls. This function takes no
; parameters. This function returns t if file creation is successful.
; A nil is returned and a message is printed if file creation failed.
; For further information See:
; Form Interface Functions in the Allegro SKILL Functions Reference
; Manual.
defun( _HNTP_Create_Form_File ()
prog( ()
form_file = outfile("hl_ntp.form")
fprintf( form_file "FILE_TYPE = FORM_DEFN VERSION=2\nFORM\nFIXED\n")
fprintf( form_file "PORT 46 11\nHEADER \"Highlight Missing Test Points v2.0\"\n")
fprintf( form_file "POPUP <PRINTP>\"to File\"\"0\",\"to Printer\"\"1\",\"to Script\" \"2\".\n")
fprintf( form_file "TILE\n")
fprintf( form_file "GROUP \"Preferences\"\nGLOC 2 1\nGSIZE 20 14\nENDGROUP\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "GROUP \"Test Method\"\nGLOC 24 1\nGSIZE 20 10\nENDGROUP\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "GROUP \"Options\"\nGLOC 24 12\nGSIZE 20 6\nENDGROUP\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "FIELD inpin\nFLOC 3 4\nFGROUP \"Preferences\"\nCHECKLIST \"Input\" \"prefs\"\nENDFIELD\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "FIELD outpin\nFLOC 3 6\nFGROUP \"Preferences\"\nCHECKLIST \"Output\" \"prefs\"\nENDFIELD\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "FIELD anypin\nFLOC 3 8\nFGROUP \"Preferences\"\nCHECKLIST \"Any
Pin\" \"prefs\"\n ENDFIELD\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "FIELD via\nFLOC 3 10\nFGROUP \"Preferences\"\nCHECKLIST \"Via\" \"prefs\"\nENDFIELD\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "FIELD anypnt\nFLOC 3 12\nFGROUP \"Preferences\"\nCHECKLIST \"Any Point\" \"prefs\"\n ENDFIELD\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "FIELD single\nFLOC 25 4\nFGROUP \"Test Method\"\nCHECKLIST \"Single\" \"mthd\"\nENDFIELD\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "FIELD node\nFLOC 25 6\nFGROUP \"Test Method\"\nCHECKLIST \"Node\" \"mthd\"\n ENDFIELD\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "FIELD flood\nFLOC 25 8\nFGROUP \"Test Method\"\nCHECKLIST \"Flood\" \"mthd\"\nENDFIELD\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "FIELD unused\nFLOC 25 15\nCHECKLIST \"Unused Pins\"\nFGROUP \"Options\"\nENDFIELD\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "FIELD execute\nFLOC 2 19\nMENUBUTTON \"Execute\" 9 3\nENDFIELD\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "FIELD print\nFLOC 17 19\nMENUBUTTON \"Print\" 9 3\nENDFIELD\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "FIELD cancel\nFLOC 32 19\nMENUBUTTON \"Cancel\" 9 3\nENDFIELD\n\n")
fprintf( form_file "ENDTILE\nENDFORM\n")
close( form_file )
if( isFile("hl_ntp.form") then
return( t )
axlMsgPut("ERROR 01: Unable to Open .form file")
return( nil )
);end-defun _HNTP_Create_Form_File
; _HNTP_Init_Form_Display
; _HNTP_Init_Form_Display()
; This function will create a form and then display the form on the
; screen. This function requires the hl_ntp.form file to exist and
; this function requires the _HNTP_Form_CallBack function)
; This function requires no parameters. This function will return the
; dbid of the for it created.
; For further information See:
; axlFormCreate, axlFormSetField, axlFormDisplay
; Form Interface Functions in the Allegro SKILL Functions Reference
; Manual.
defun( _HNTP_Init_Form_Display ()
prog( ()
let( ( form )
form = axlFormCreate( (gensym) "hl_ntp.form" '(se outer) '_HNTP_Form_CallBack t)
HNTP_Form_Ptr = form
if( (HNTP_Form_Data == nil) then
setq( HNTP_Form_Data t)
axlFormSetField( form "outpin" nil)
putprop( HNTP_Form_Data nil 'outpin)
axlFormSetField( form "inpint" nil)
putprop( HNTP_Form_Data nil 'inpin)
axlFormSetField( form "anypin" nil)
putprop( HNTP_Form_Data nil 'anypin)
axlFormSetField( form "via" nil)
putprop( HNTP_Form_Data nil 'via)
axlFormSetField( form "anypnt" t)
putprop( HNTP_Form_Data t 'anypnt)
axlFormSetField( form "single" t)
putprop( HNTP_Form_Data t 'single)
axlFormSetField( form "node" nil)
putprop( HNTP_Form_Data nil 'node)
axlFormSetField( form "node" nil)
putprop( HNTP_Form_Data nil 'flood)
axlFormSetField( form "unused" nil)
putprop( HNTP_Form_Data nil 'unused)
axlFormDisplay( form )
);end-defun _HNTP_Init_Form_Display
; _HNTP_Form_CallBack
; _HNTP_Form_CallBack()
; This function is used by the _HNTP_Init_Form_Display for the call
; back required from the axlFormCreate command.
; This function requires form dbid parameters This function returns no
; paramteres. This funtion does pass a value to the global dbid
; defined as HNTP_Form_Data and gets the form dbid number from global
; variable HNTP_Form_Ptr.
; For further information See:
; axlFormCreate, axlFormSetField, axlFormDisplay, and
; Form Interface Functions in the Allegro SKILL Functions Reference
; Manual.
defun( _HNTP_Form_CallBack (form)
case( get( HNTP_Form_Ptr 'curField)
("inpin" putprop( HNTP_Form_Data get(HNTP_Form_Ptr 'curValue) 'inpin))
("outpin" putprop( HNTP_Form_Data get(HNTP_Form_Ptr 'curValue) 'outpin))
("anypin" putprop( HNTP_Form_Data get(HNTP_Form_Ptr 'curValue) 'anypin))
("via" putprop( HNTP_Form_Data get(HNTP_Form_Ptr 'curValue) 'via))
("anypnt" putprop( HNTP_Form_Data get(HNTP_Form_Ptr 'curValue) 'anypnt))
("single" putprop( HNTP_Form_Data get(HNTP_Form_Ptr 'curValue) 'single))
("node" putprop( HNTP_Form_Data get(HNTP_Form_Ptr 'curValue) 'node))
("flood" putprop( HNTP_Form_Data get(HNTP_Form_Ptr 'curValue) 'flood))
("unused" putprop( HNTP_Form_Data get(HNTP_Form_Ptr 'curValue) 'unused))
( "execute" _HNTP_Execute() )
( "cancel" _HNTP_Cancel() )
);end-defunction _HNTP_Form_CallBack
; _HNTP_Cancel
; _HNTP_Cancel()
; This function called by the _HNTP_Form_CallBack().This funtion closes
; the open form, deletes the hl_ntp.form file and exits the SKILL
; process. This function requires the HNTP_Form_Ptr global variable.
; For further information see:
; axlFormClose, axlClearSelSet,axlCancelEnterFun()
defun( _HNTP_Cancel ()
when( isFile( "hl_ntp.form" ) deleteFile("hl_ntp.form"))
when( HNTP_Form_Ptr axlFormClose( HNTP_Form_Ptr ))
);end-defun _HNTP_Cancel
; _HNTP_Flood_No_TP
; _HNTP_Flood_No_TP(list)
; This function returns a list of pin or via dbids() which have a
; testPoint value of nil. This function takes in one parameter. The
; input parameter (list) is a list of pin or via dbids.
defun( _HNTP_Flood_No_TP (dbid_list )
prog( ()
let( ( return_list )
foreach( item dbid_list
when( item->testPoint == nil
return_list = cons( item return_list)
); end-foreach
);end-defun _HNTP_Flood_No_TP
; _HNTP_Single_No_TP
; _HNTP_Single_No_TP(pvlist nlist)
; This function takes in two parameters. The firat paramter is a
; list of pin or via dbids (pvlist). The second parameter takes in a list
; of net dbids (nlist). The function checks the pvlist dbids to determine
; if the dbid has a testPoint value of t. If the value t exists, the net
; dbid number is removed from the nlist. This function returns a list of
; net dbids which do not have a test point assigned.
defun( _HNTP_Single_No_TP (pvlist nlist )
prog( ()
foreach( item pvlist
when( item->testPoint != nil
nlist = remd( item->net nlist)
); end-foreach
);end-defun _HNTP_Single_No_TP
; _HNTP_Check_Unused
; _HNTP_Check_Unused(list)
; This function returns a list of pin dbids which have a valid net name
; This function takes in one parameter. The input parameter
; (list) is a list of pin dbids.
defun( _HNTP_Check_Unused (dbid_list)
prog( ()
let( (return_list)
foreach( item dbid_list
when( item->net->name != ""
return_list = cons( item return_list)
); end-foreach
);end-defun _HNTP_Check_Unused
; _HNTP_Check_Unnamed
; _HNTP_Check_Unnamed(list)
; This function returns a list of net dbids which have a valid net name
; This function takes in one parameter. The input parameter
; (list) is a list of net dbids.
defun( _HNTP_Check_Unnamed (dbid_list)
prog( ()
let( (return_list)
foreach( item dbid_list
when( item->name != ""
return_list = cons( item return_list)
); end-foreach
);end-defun _HNTP_Check_Unnamed
; _HNTP_Execute
; _HNTP_Execute()
; This function is called by the _HNTP_Form_CallBack(). This function
; begins the execution of the SKILL commands to sort the choices made
; from the form parameters and execute the functions required to hilight
; the necessary elements.
; This function requires no parameters.
; for further information see:
defun( _HNTP_Execute ()
let( (pin_list via_list net_list hilite_list)
axlFormClose( HNTP_Form_Ptr )
;identify which list of dbids to obtain
pin_list = nil
via_list = nil
net_list = nil
if( HNTP_Form_Data->inpin == t then
pin_list = _HNTP_Bld_Inpin_lst()
if( HNTP_Form_Data->outpin == t then
pin_list = _HNTP_Bld_Outpin_lst()
if( HNTP_Form_Data->anypin then
pin_list = _HNTP_Bld_Pin_lst()
); endif
when( HNTP_Form_Data->via == t via_list = _HNTP_Bld_Via_lst())
when( HNTP_Form_Data->anypnt == t
pin_list = _HNTP_Bld_Pin_lst()
via_list = _HNTP_Bld_Via_lst()
if( HNTP_Form_Data->flood == nil then
net_list = _HNTP_Bld_Net_lst()
; if test unused pins is not selected, then remove the unused pin
; ids from the list
if( HNTP_Form_Data->unused == nil then
when( pin_list != nil pin_list = _HNTP_Check_Unused( pin_list ))
when( net_list != nil net_list = _HNTP_Check_Unnamed( net_list ))
; identify Methodology and identify missing test points and then
; highlight the proper items.
when( HNTP_Form_Data->flood == t
when( via_list != nil hilite_list= _HNTP_Flood_No_TP(via_list) )
if( hilite_list == nil then
axlMsgPut( "No Vias to Highlight")
axlHighlightObject( hilite_list )
hilite_list = nil
when( pin_list != nil hilite_list= _HNTP_Flood_No_TP(pin_list) )
if( hilite_list == nil then
axlMsgPut( "No Pins to Highlight")
axlHighlightObject( hilite_list t )
when( HNTP_Form_Data->single == t
if( net_list == nil then
axlMsgPut("ERROR 02: No Net dbids found")
when( via_list != nil net_list = _HNTP_Single_No_TP(via_list net_list))
when( pin_list != nil net_list = _HNTP_Single_No_TP(pin_list net_list))
if( net_list == nil then
axlMsgPut( "No Nets to Highlight")
axlHighlightObject( net_list t )
when( HNTP_Form_Data->node == t
let( (used_netid)
when(pin_list != nil
foreach( pinid pin_list
if( pinid->testPoint != nil then
if( member(pinid->net net_list) then
used_netid= cons(pinid->net used_netid)
net_list = remd( pinid->net net_list)
if( member(pinid->net used_netid) remd( pinid->net used_netid))
when(via_list != nil
foreach( via_id via_list
if( via_id->testPoint != nil then
if( member(via_id->net net_list) then
used_netid= cons(via_id->net used_netid)
net_list = remd( via_id->net net_list)
if( member(via_id->net used_netid) remd( via_id->net used_netid))
when( used_netid != nil
foreach( netid used_netid hilite_list = cons( netid hilite_list))
when( net_list != nil
foreach( netid net_list hilite_list = cons( netid hilite_list))
if(hilite_list == nil then
axlMsgPut( "No Nets to Highlight")
axlHighlightObject( hilite_list t )
axlMsgPut(" Operation Completed!")
); end-defun _HNTP_Execute
; _HNTP_Run
; _HNTP_Run()
; This function is called at the startup of the SKILL hl_ntp.il program.
; This function set the global variables HNTP_Form_Ptr and HNTP_Form_Data
; which are required for Form display and call backs.
; This function also verifies that all other function are halted before
; begining this process.
; This function requires no parameters.
; for further information see:
defun( _HNTP_Run ()
HNTP_Form_Ptr = nil
HNTP_Form_Data = nil
when( _HNTP_Create_Form_File()
);end-defun _HNTP_Run
; register command with Allegro
axlCmdRegister( "hl_ntp" `_HNTP_Run ?cmdType "general")