发表于 2017-6-7 21:48:56
sklanguser.pdf 里面的解释
Arrow (->) Operator
The arrow (->) operator can be applied to disembodied property lists, defstructs, association
tables, and user types (special application-supplied types) to access property values. The
property must always be a symbol and the value of the property can be any valid Cadence®
SKILL language type.
Squiggle Arrow (~>) Operator
The squiggle arrow (~>) operator is a generalization of the arrow operator. It works the same
way as an arrow operator when applied directly to an object, but it can also accept a list of
such objects. It walks the list applying the arrow operator whenever it finds an atomic object.
The underlying functions for ~> operator are the setSGq and getSGq functions, which set
and retrieve the value of an attribute or a property. For example,
setSGq(obj value prop) ; is equivalent to:
a=getSGq(obj prop) ; is equivalent to:
info=getSGq(cvId objType) ; is equivalent to:
setSGq(rect list(10:10 100:120) bBox) ; is equivalent to:
rect~>bBox=list(10:10 100:120) |