| Type(s) of Argument
| Prints
| %d
| fixnum
| Integer in decimal radix
| %o
| fixnum
| Integer in octal
| %x
| fixnum
| Integer in hexadecimal
| %f
| fixnum
| Floating-point number in the style [-]ddd.ddd
| %e
| fixnum
| Floating-point number in the style [-]d.ddde[-]ddd
| %g
| fixnum
| Floating-point number in style f or e, whichever gives full precision in minimum space
| %s
| string, symbol
| Prints out a string (without quotes) or the print name of a symbol
| %c
| string, symbol
| The first character
| %n
| fixnum, flonum
| Number
| %L
| list
| Default format for the data type
| %P
| list
| Point
| %B
| list
| Box
Box:为一方形区域坐标,包括左下和右上,格式为:list( lowerLeft upperRight )。比如:
bBox = list( 300:400 500:450 )